How to be Good at Life

How to be Good at Life When you hit the absolute breaking point, what do you do?  What I do, and what I want to do, are sometimes very different things. The pressures of parenting and life and generally holding it all together can be too much sometimes. People say, when you are overwhelmed, focus …

Letting Go of Avoidant Love

Letting Half-Love Leave I noticed when he walked away this time, he didn’t see he was abandoning himself more than he was abandoning me. He didn’t see it but for the first time, I did.  In the past I would be distraught and confused, consumed with ache and anxiety and self-loathing at his leaving.  I …

The Joys of Online Dating

A Midnight Rant about Online Dating Can we just call it out that online dating is fucking horseshit?  I mean Jesus fuck. Sorry if this is not PC but there are some creepy ass motherfuckers out there. Not to be mean, but honest question: why would you take a close-up picture of your eye, just …

Parenting Teenagers… With Coffee and Dogshit

Parenting Teenagers… with Coffee and Dog Shit. I grabbed a coffee and headed for the living room, blissfully unaware of the shit waiting for me there.  This was my daily ritual of early morning solace: coffee and quiet on the couch, with a fuzzy blanket and the sunrise. When my kids were younger it was …