I struggled for a long, long time- being defined as difficult.
I was told I was difficult or “too sensitive” for so many years that I would sacrifice any need, no matter how fundamentally necessary, to avoid it.
I really didn’t want to be those things.
Until one day, I realized- I’m not “too sensitive.”
I’m a full hearted human.
I’m not difficult. I’m fighting for even a shred of dignity. Respectfully.
Eventually I came to peace.
If being too sensitive or difficult to someone, while I’m kindly trying to be myself, then that’s okay.
I don’t spend my energy trying to prove myself anymore.
It’s the most freeing feeling ever to know I am truly enough.
That my needs are not unreasonable or difficult.
That my emotions are not too sensitive.
Healing is hard. The reward is sanity and stability and abundant peace.